Many cities in the world are experiencing the growing problem of vandals tagging glass and other surfaces in public places using mechanical etching tools, acid and paint. Graffiti can cost building owners, transport companies and tenants many thousands of dollars in annual clean-up and repair costs. While Anti-Graffiti Film won’t prevent taggers from leaving their mark, it does help prevent permanent damage.
Simply Remove the “Tagged” Film
Whether applied to vertical or sloped glass, mirrors or stainless steel, installation and replacement by professionally trained staff is quick and easy, avoiding the disruption caused by window replacement. When vandals strike, the film is simply removed along with the tags revealing the unspoiled glass surface ready for the replacement sacrificial film.
Reduce the Cost of Graffiti Removal
Anti-Graffiti Film is a cost-effective solution to mitigate damage. These specially designed films, nearly invisible once installed, provide a removable, sacrificial surface that can reduce or eliminate the need for expensive glass replacement. A single replacement of just one window can easily exceed ten or twenty times the cost of film installation.
24/7 Protection
LLumar® Anti-Graffiti Film offers around the clock protection for nearly every type of business or location:- Malls
- Buses
- Office buildings
- Subways
- Retail stores
- Mass transit systems
- Movie theatres
- Display cases
- Bathroom stalls and mirrors
- Glass enclosures
- Elevators and stairwells
- Marble facades
Durability and Performance
- Patented, crystal clear scratch-resistant coating, the industry’s toughest and most durable coating on polyester films.
- Contain a special mounting adhesive that allows the film to be easily removed and replaced without adhesive residue.
- Are easy to clean and maintain with everyday household cleaning products.
- Offer optimum clarity without distortion – so clear that vandals won’t even know that it’s there!
Que le film soit appliqué sur du verre vertical ou incliné, des miroirs ou de l'acier inoxydable, l'installation et le remplacement par un personnel formé professionnellement sont rapides et faciles, évitant les perturbations causées par le remplacement des fenêtres. Lorsque le vandalisme frappe, le film est simplement retiré avec les étiquettes révélant la surface de verre intacte prête pour le film sacrificiel de remplacement.
Durabilité et performance
- Revêtement breveté, transparent et résistant aux rayures, le revêtement le plus résistant et le plus durable de l'industrie des films polyester.
- Contient un adhésif de montage spécial qui permet de retirer et de remplacer facilement le film sans laisser de résidus d'adhésif.
- Le film est facile à nettoyer et à entretenir en utilisant des produits doux d'entretien ménager de tous les jours.
- Offrez une clarté optimale sans distorsion - si claire que les vandales ne sauront même pas qu'elle est là!