Window Film is a smart business investment. Productivity and work comfort increase as heat loads and direct sun fatigue diminish; cold spots are eliminated and glare is reduced. In many cases, privacy is increased and the building acquires a uniform aesthetically pleasing look. Ultra Violet light is virtually eliminated and fabric and furniture fading is greatly reduced!
- Preserve – Blocks 99.9% of the sun’s UV radiation, helping preserve furniture fabrics, draperies, hardwoods and family heirlooms by reducing premature fading.
- Conserve – By blocking over 80% of the sun’s infrared heat energy transmitting through glass, window film lowers cooling costs, conserving energy while saving you money.
- Prevent – By reducing the sun’s intense glare, it improves interior comfort by preventing eye strain and excessive glare related light pollution.
- Protect – By maximizing the amount of natural light coming through your windows and doors, Solar Film helps reduce the need for artificial interior light.

Commercial: Films solaires et ultraviolets
Window Film est un investissement commercial intelligent. La productivité et le confort de travail augmentent à mesure que les charges thermiques et la fatigue directe du soleil diminuent; les points froids sont éliminés et l'éblouissement est réduit. Dans de nombreux cas, l'intimité est augmentée et le bâtiment acquiert un aspect esthétique uniforme. La lumière ultraviolette est pratiquement éliminée et la décoloration des tissus et des meubles est considérablement réduite!