We are a family owned business, with locations in Moncton, New Brunswick and Halifax, Nova Scotia. Having worked with their father, who brought window film to the Maritimes, Denny & Serge LeClair have over 20 years of experience and training installing film and serving customers. With Bert Sutherland, we continue to operate with offices in Moncton and Halifax. Our collaboration ensures the availability of knowledgable, certified installers and professionally installed window films to the entire Maritime region.
Our History
Maritime Window Film Specialists was founded by Chris LeClair in the late 70's as a draperies and blinds business, when he discovered solar window film in 1979. He saw window film, otherwise known as window tint, as a new and exciting product to offer his clients: A clear silver window film designed to reflect the intense heat, glare and UV of the sun. Because of it's shiny mirrored exterior look, this film looked best on commercial windows.
Years later he employed his two sons, Denny & Serge. He saw the window film business opening up in the residential market with new films designed with the homeowner in mind. These new window films came in many different neutral shades and tints.
As the window film industry matured, they matured with it, trying many different products from various window film suppliers, creating relationships with distributors, attending yearly conferences and learning about the latest and greatest products in the window film and tint industry.
In 2014, Chris retired, and his sons have taken over the family business. The window film industry has continued to evolve, and they now serve the entire Maritime region with solar, frost and security window films.